Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Sweet (Cheap) Guitar

Well, hello everyone...

So, I have this guitar, right? It's from my friendly neighborhood Target(tm) and I so so so want to learn how to play. I NEED to learn how to play, and I want to learn by the end of this summer. I have know idea how I am going to achieve that, but I hope I do. I am going to try and start this Monday, but I completely forgot that I have a little excursion with a couple of my cohorts... but I'll try to start right before that little trip and after it. If you know any good websites that I could use in my effort to learn how to play, please let me know, just post them on the comments sections. (And by "you" I mean, the what? 3-4 people who "follow" me. :P) 

Okay, thanks cyples! 

Wish me luck!
