Monday, November 30, 2009



(sorry if I'm offending anybody...)

There is this one movie...Harold and Maude....and it's the most amazing movie that ever existed in movie history...And if you haven't I strongly recomend it, you haven't lived or attempted to kill yourself well enough, until you see this movie...I'ts magical.
I am now and H&Mer...and I am looking for recruits..haha..

But it really is a great movie, and I am not goingto attempt to sum it up because I might mess it up and make it sound stupid....BUT IT'S SOOO GREAT!!!Like REALLY! One of my friends and I are tryingto get our English teacher to have us watch it in our classes. Hopefulyl she will have us watch it..because it's soooo great..I can't wait to watch it again...soon.

Well, Later skater..and if you don't watch'll be "haters" from then on....

Sorry and I'm Crazy.

OMG I'm soooo excited. I GOT AND "A" in my college Astronomy essay thing!!!! I was soooo surprised...I thought I was at least going to get a "B-" or something...but I didn't, I'm kind of still in shock...but I'll stop bragging..even though I'm not trying to....

Oh and sorry for lying to you. I said that I'd , like, post more...and after that post...I didn't haha. But I've had so much homwork...and I like literally don't have any free time. The only free time that I have is talking to my friends on the internet...while I'm doing my homework...good thing I'm good at multi-tasking, my parents think I am crazy because I can do a whole bunch of things at one time...But the parents think I'm crazy all the time. But, anyways...sorry.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I am soooo bored right now...but w/e

So I haven't been posting lately...sorry. But there has been A LOTTTTTT OF very dramatic drama at school and I've been SOOOOO supermassively distracted from doing everything! But these past few days everything has been flowing like the water on the beach...yay!!!! I really can't go into any details over what happened because the drama will start ALLL OVER again..but yeah..

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sending names To Mars

On monday, my Astronomy professor, told that class that there was a new rover that's going to Mars named Curiousity. He then told us that NASA is doing something new, they're letting the public send their names to Mars on that  rover. You guys probably don't understand how that would happen huh? I didn't at first. But then her got on the computer and showed us on the screen. All you have to fill out is your first and last name, your zip code and the country you in. So that will allow your name to go up with the rover in a chip.
     I know there is nothing quite interesting about this, but hey, you can say your name is in Mars. He was also saying that it would make a GREAT gift, I thought it would make a dumb gift, even though I wouldn't mind it. So tough I found it a dumb gift, my sister's B-day was coming up, so I got one for her and printed out a certificate and didn't really know what to make of it, it was kind of funny. I did it too though.
     So all you need to do is go to, I think, the NASA site and yeah or just google it.

Monday, November 2, 2009

SWD or OWD remember about that one dance that I told you i was going sorta sucked...but whatever.
Well today I stayed for drama club, which was, in itself, fun --we did improve. Well, that required me to take the transit bus since that gets out at like 4:30..I have to wait for a 5:13 bus since the one before gets out at 4:20..yeah when I was walking home..I swear I saw someone getting a Bj..BLOWJOB!!! OMG.EWWW.. Like the person the Guy let's call him B, and then the Girl..well I think it was a girl... but anyways...let's call that one J. So I sw J's head on the lap of B..and I am like 100% sure that that was what was happening.. EEW AND B was there a law against that.. like there is a DUI for driving under the influence..does that fall under that too? Or should I declare a new law... like Sex While Driving While Driving- OWD? lol..but it was sick..

I'll post again soon.
