Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Those people that I was referring to in my last post... are making me think... and rethink... it's getting very suspicious.

But, again, it could just be my teenage mind telling me things that aren't even there... stupid teenage mind. I want to kick you sometimes... grrr.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Dirty Answers

Well there is this one thing on my blog page that gives you answers, sorta like an 8-ball thing. And so I asked it something, and it gave em a scary answer. I know I am just being a crazy teenager, but it still scary, and I don't like it... because it involves backstabbing, betrayal, and plain ol' lying... 

It's crazy sad it is that I am acting so stupid over some dumb internet answer thing, but I kind of was imagining that was going to be the answer, and that "that" was happening... which, is bad, because it just is. It's sad that people can't trust you, depend on you, or even be nice enough to say thing to you, instead of doing things they know are wrong...

Don't listen to me, I just needed a (public) place to write this.... It's just nonsensical teen shoes... 

Friday, April 16, 2010

Most Amazing Creatures Ever!

So... remember when I said that my friend were plotting against me? Well they were, yesterday they attempted to kill me, IN BROAD DAYLIGHT!

Just kidding... but that would be funny... well not them killing me... anyways...

Something else happened yesterday... I GOT A NEW uPOD!  I was so excited!!! It was the most amazing thing in the whole wide everything! It's yellow and shiny and new and mine! My amazing friends got it for me... their code word for it was "whore" but it started as "hooker"... and then when they asked me what color hooker I wanted, I instantly caught onto their plotting. I even wrote some of them an email asking them if my guess was right... (it was, but they never replied). They are amazing... Annnndddd they even took the time and put music on it. Good music. I was so grateful for it... and I am so grateful and appreciative to have such amazingly great friends like them...

I mean it's not every day that your friends get you an iPod --and for no reason. Like really! I really would like to know why they got it for me... but when ever I do ask one of them, they just say it's an "early birthday present" which confuses me, since my birthday is in October and it's April.

But I'm still super psyched that they went out of their way to get (JUST) me an iPod. They're amazing, and I cherish them! :)

                                                          Look, it's so pretty... hehe
