Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Snapshots and Memoirs

I attended my English class today, really nervous tired. Nervous because I don't know anyone in in, besides one other person... but they don't count. Tired because it's at 6:05 at night... Ugh. Anyways, I went there very close minded and anxious as to what we were going to do... but we ended up getting a really cool assignment --well for me.

We get to write an essay that is more like a story that is reflecting on something that has happened in your life that has to do with obedience or disobedience and shame or pride that you got from either of those. And I HAVE THE PERFECT THING TO WRITE ABOUT. It's called the "snapshot" essay... hence the photos.

(But I don't know if I can or would be allowed to or should... but that's a long/different story)

Anyway... I'm excited for that!

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