Friday, October 23, 2009

Adventures with a Beta

   So today My friend gave me a beta fish as a birthday gift, and I had to ride the bus. So she sort of gave it to me at lunch, it had been in her locker all that day. So all of my friends, our English teacher and I went over to her locker, and she finally showed it to me. My birthday had been the sixth of this month and today is the 23rd so I had been guessing about what it was all that time and she wouldn't tell me. So we saw the fish and it was amazing, she thought I was going to be disapointed- but I wasn't. So we shut it back in her locker and left, which I sort of felt bad about doing...
   So later after my last class, English, I went over to get the fish from her locker, she had given me the key. So there I was walking to he bus area, which is full of annoying high schoolers and pot smoking college students, walking with a fish in a heavy bowl with a bag full of fishy essentials. Everyone came rushing towards me, well to the fish, and they were all asking a whole bung of questions and making weird faces and hand gestures, but I was like whatever. So then my friends came over and two of them, including the one who gave me the gift, and we were trying to put a plastic bag over it so it wouldn't splash and into a paper bag so know one will know what it was, especially the bus driver.
   So after we accomplished putting it in a bag and stuff, we had to get on the bus. Thankfully the bus driver didn't ask what was in the bag, my friend was the one carrying it on. Then she gave it to me so I can carry it while the bus was moving...which was so nervewrecking...becuase I'd be checking if it was okay every second. It was a hilarious little adventure.
    Later I had to walk home with it, which means walking up a very steap hill. So right before that, as I was getting off the bus my friends is all like:
    " Here take your fish."
   Because I had her hold it as I stood up too get out, and eveyrone was like
     " What there's a fish in here"
    "No there's not" was my reply
  So I walked with one of my friends, while the fish bowl was splish splashing around in my hands. It was a horrible walk, It was heavy, my backpacks was heavy, it was hot, and i was wearinga jacket. So I had to stop like four times on the way home to rearrange my backpack and take my jacket off, and yeah...I finally made it home and the fish and I both made it alive!!!

Write you later Cyber people!!

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