Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Convenience Stores & Laundromats

So every now and then I go to the convenience store near my house, to get whatever is tickling my fancy at the moment... and then I head over to the local laundromat --which conveniently, is next door. The reason that I go to the laundromat is because there are usually magazines there --cool ones.

So today, I headed to the convenient store (and if you're curious I got a cookie --half peanut butter half brownie... it was gross.) After I got my (disgusting) sugar fix, I headed to the laundromat...but today.... THERE WAS NO MAGAZINE. I was so disappointed.

Where was that --anonymous-- person who always leaves really amazing magazines there? They let me down, and the worse part, is that this isn't even the first time... this is a long going problem.

If only my parents gave me enough money to buy my own magazines...

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