Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bored to Death

It's the fourth day of school and I've been leaving quite early... because we can. But we don't even have to go, we don't do anything --it's crazy! I had only one "real" class today, even that just consisted of us getting a book. ONE BOOK. Coming to school the first week is a waste of time. We're all dying of boredom being there... it's horrible.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

When Strangers Invade...

There are strangers living in my home. My parents didn't even care to mention it to us. It's awkward having them around, they're nice people... but it's weird. That's all I can say --partly because I don't feel like saying anything else or elaborating on this.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back to school? No, the 80's!

School is literally around the corner... and now that it's getting down to the wire... I don't wanna go. Though I have been getting awfully bored and lonely being at home and sometimes I feel like killing everyone at home --they're so annoying!

For some reason, no I feel like watching a lot of 80's teen movies. But then again, I always feel like watching 80's teen movies.

(I ♥ the 80's)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'm dead.

Just got home from being a waiter, bus boy, and dishwasher. 

I'm sure I must be dead now.

(Please wear yellow to my funeral.)

My... Feet... Are... Dying...

I finally went shopping! But I almost died.

First I walked to the bus stop in the morning, because I had to go to a school clean up. The bad thing, the bus is about 15 minutes from my casa. I have to walk downhill.

Anyways, the clean up wasn't too hard, but it did add to the pain in my feet and shoulders. The I had to wait for the bus, it took a very long time to get there. Then I went to the mall.

And with only a Jackson, I managed to get about five or six shirts. You should be proud of me. :) But that's not it! Then I found out if I added ALL the left over one dollar bills and a five dollar bill, I would have TEN DOLLARS. So then I headed to another store and it took me a while to find something, but I bought one last thing and I headed home...

Up, that same (steep) hill.

Then I went back to the mall, with my parents, and I spent three more hours killing my feet.

I got a FOOT cramp... like the bottom of my foot. It was a horrible.

My feet are having their funeral sometime soon, after I go be a "waiter" at a volunteering thingy.

 (.....bye feet.)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Burrito Hangover

                                                That to that:

So, few months ago my parents took on a, what you could call, "odd job". It was basically to rake in some extra money, I think this job is kind of a pain in the butt --but, it's money. Anyways... this job of theirs is to make burritos, that sounds reasonable... No?

 No. See, their job hours vary from 2-5 to whenever they finish.... AM. So... you might ask yourself, why do it? I don't know the answer besides for getting extra cash. To me, it's crazy.

But, anyways... last night --this morning-- they had a BIG order. They had to make 200 burritos, so I offered to give them a hand, which meant I had to wake up at 2 AM. Guess what time I went to sleep, 11:30.. Smart huh?

Well, I wasn't tired when I was helping them (I'm not that much help, I just put stickers on stuff and chop things up.) But.. we got home at 7 AM, and I went to sleep until 12-ish. All day I felt hungover. It was horrible. My head was pounding, I wanted to sleep, I hated people when they spoke, I wanted to just kill them.

I still somewhat feel hungover... Guess who won't be making burritos anytime soon?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


You remember how I mentioned that I have not gone school shopping at all? Well today I bought the first things for school, a backpack. It is an amazing backpack that I have been wanting forever and ever and a day, so I'm super excited. It's from one of my favorite store ever, Urban Outfitters, it's such a magical place full of whimsy. It's the black canvas rucksack... and it's amazing.

Well, anyways, now I hope it gets here in time for school... and that it's the proper size. I've had trouble with previous backpacks not being the right size...

AHHH!! I'm so excited... now I have to buy the other things...

Convenience Stores & Laundromats

So every now and then I go to the convenience store near my house, to get whatever is tickling my fancy at the moment... and then I head over to the local laundromat --which conveniently, is next door. The reason that I go to the laundromat is because there are usually magazines there --cool ones.

So today, I headed to the convenient store (and if you're curious I got a cookie --half peanut butter half brownie... it was gross.) After I got my (disgusting) sugar fix, I headed to the laundromat...but today.... THERE WAS NO MAGAZINE. I was so disappointed.

Where was that --anonymous-- person who always leaves really amazing magazines there? They let me down, and the worse part, is that this isn't even the first time... this is a long going problem.

If only my parents gave me enough money to buy my own magazines...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Weren't they fun? And so colorful! Oh balloons...

Goodbye Summer Days... Hello Neglectful Parents

Mr. Summer's almost gone and Mr. Fall is in his way... so I started making a wishlist of ALL the things that I want on my favorite website. (UO) But, that's just it, it's a WISHlist... with obvious emphasis on the wish part... because like hell I'd be getting more than half of those things. Oh, if only I had those trees that had money growing from them... but I don't, so I'll just deal with the local stores and their clothing.

But, can you believe that my mommy and father haven't given me money to go off and buy myself some clothes for my... (ugh) junior year of high school?!! that's crazy. If it was up to me, I would have given myself two-hundred bucks and spend it all on shiny new things... but nothings ever up to me. So, I'll just wait for my parents to hand over some cold hard cash; they have to do it soon. There are two weeks left of summer --TWO WEEKS.

Of course they waited this long....

Saturday, August 7, 2010

MTV? Where did you go?

Have you noticed how, for lack of a better word, stupid MTV has gotten. Some of you could say that it's been that way, but I think it's been slowly getting there. And now, it's just trash. Where is the Music? Oh, that's been replaced with those mindless reality shows. 

If no music is airing, besides in the middle of the night... MTV should change its name. It's practically lying to its viewers; It's not "Music Television". It hasn't been that in a long while.

Stop lying to yourself MTV. Bring our music back.
