Monday, November 30, 2009



(sorry if I'm offending anybody...)

There is this one movie...Harold and Maude....and it's the most amazing movie that ever existed in movie history...And if you haven't I strongly recomend it, you haven't lived or attempted to kill yourself well enough, until you see this movie...I'ts magical.
I am now and H&Mer...and I am looking for recruits..haha..

But it really is a great movie, and I am not goingto attempt to sum it up because I might mess it up and make it sound stupid....BUT IT'S SOOO GREAT!!!Like REALLY! One of my friends and I are tryingto get our English teacher to have us watch it in our classes. Hopefulyl she will have us watch it..because it's soooo great..I can't wait to watch it again...soon.

Well, Later skater..and if you don't watch'll be "haters" from then on....

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