Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sending names To Mars

On monday, my Astronomy professor, told that class that there was a new rover that's going to Mars named Curiousity. He then told us that NASA is doing something new, they're letting the public send their names to Mars on that  rover. You guys probably don't understand how that would happen huh? I didn't at first. But then her got on the computer and showed us on the screen. All you have to fill out is your first and last name, your zip code and the country you in. So that will allow your name to go up with the rover in a chip.
     I know there is nothing quite interesting about this, but hey, you can say your name is in Mars. He was also saying that it would make a GREAT gift, I thought it would make a dumb gift, even though I wouldn't mind it. So tough I found it a dumb gift, my sister's B-day was coming up, so I got one for her and printed out a certificate and yeah....lol...She didn't really know what to make of it, it was kind of funny. I did it too though.
     So all you need to do is go to, I think, the NASA site and yeah or just google it.

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