Monday, November 2, 2009

SWD or OWD remember about that one dance that I told you i was going sorta sucked...but whatever.
Well today I stayed for drama club, which was, in itself, fun --we did improve. Well, that required me to take the transit bus since that gets out at like 4:30..I have to wait for a 5:13 bus since the one before gets out at 4:20..yeah when I was walking home..I swear I saw someone getting a Bj..BLOWJOB!!! OMG.EWWW.. Like the person the Guy let's call him B, and then the Girl..well I think it was a girl... but anyways...let's call that one J. So I sw J's head on the lap of B..and I am like 100% sure that that was what was happening.. EEW AND B was there a law against that.. like there is a DUI for driving under the influence..does that fall under that too? Or should I declare a new law... like Sex While Driving While Driving- OWD? lol..but it was sick..

I'll post again soon.

