Friday, March 26, 2010

Evil Mouths and Dolphin Meditation Centers

Guess what I did today! 

I was on the radio! Though it was a local radio broadcasting... it was still exciting, and I got nervous. I thought I was going to do a horrid job, but I ended up doing an okay job at it. I even got compliments about it... there were some backhanded compliments as well... but that's a long long long story. 

Yeah, the person who we were told was going to interview us, didn't. It was a person who hadn't interviewed someone in like AGES! The last interview she did was a little bit before ours, and they said she ended up just like talking at them... which she did not do to us, which is good. The radio broadcasting was done to advertise our school, it's deadline and such... I had fun with it, and I was really glad that my mouth cooperated with me, usually it kills me! Evil mouth. 

We had to be on hold for a little bit there (like 4 minutes...) but it felt like A LOT. We had to listen to the person talk and stuff and the commercials and such.. the commercial were hilarious! I think I even heard something like "Dolphin Meditation Center" Well my friend did.. and we all were laughing... We have strange places in our town.... 

So yeah... I had fun today... Oh and my friend brought me a scarf from like the Middle East, he went there for the most part of our Spring break.. and he brought a lot of us scarves and THEY WERE AMAZING! I love mine... I wore it today.. :) Thank you! You know who you are (I don't want to mention any names...)

But, yes, Thank you! 

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