Friday, March 19, 2010

Mon Vendredi

    Today, I had tons of fun.... but not the whole day.... So first I had to wake up early-ish because I had to babysit this one creature (my mom is supposed to but she had to work...) so I woke up and did zombie-like things for like fifteen minutes.... anyways... I had to babysit the creature-child... The creature-child is pretty chill, but the most annoying part of babysitting was that the creature-child would, like, come to me every fifteen minutes or so and say:

      "Hey, look what I found." and my first thought was... "Um... it was never lost...". But of course I wouldn't say that to the child, it's not very kid-friendly. So this would go on, until they picked the creature up at like 2-3-ish... 


       I sat in front of these cupboard things that contain everything that I love and cherish, and just cleaned it out and looked through things and remembering things from when I was younger... it was a great walk through memory lane, I enjoyed it... But there were a lot of spiders in memory lane...

    Later... I had to get ready for this thing that I had to go help out at; I had to help sell food and stuff at a play. It was really cool, I had a lot of fun working with the person I worked with. We'd never really had a "real" conversation before, so it was nice being there and talking. I learned a lot of cool thing about them. My NIGHT was really cool, I had tons of fun and I hope I have a lot of more cool times like those... I've been having those lately... I'm glad.

   Oh, and I tasted cucumber sandwiches for the very first time ever... and they were AMAZINGLY AWESOME!

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