Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Redheads and Ladies and Gleeks, Oh My!

   So  couple weeks ago... I discovered this brand new band (all by my self too!) It's called Rilo Kiley. It's amazingly cool. I'm not entirely sure who the "lead" singer is... but it's either a girl or a guy... Wait... those are the only options... But whatever... It's this one girl with red hair... (RED HAIR ROCKS!) and this other guy, right? So they're really cool, my favorite song by them as of now... is I think  "The Money Maker", "Dreamworld, and  "The frug"; they're all amazing. They have a really mellow/upbeat/put-a-smile-on-your-face type of sound, it's really neat. I really enjoy listening to their music, If you'd like to check them out yourself, here's a link to their site:

    On to another music related topic... Lady Gaga. Have you heard about this musical creature? She's crazy imaginative, her videos --though provocative-- have so much creativity thrust on them. It's amazing, and I'm almost certain she like Co-directs/produces everything... which is really cool. I'm not a crazy fan of hers, her music is fine... but I am a fan of her creativity and imagination and that she has the guts to throw herself in the spotlight and do what she wants to do, no bullshit. Just her and her music... and sunglasses. She has just released her latest music video, "Telephone", which features Beyoncé. (I'll talk about her later...) So anyways... this new video... tops the list of provocativeness, it's like a porno with a "Thelma & Louise"-ish plot line, accompanied with really mainstream music. I mean... it's cool, but my favorite part is the fact that it was banned from airing on MTV... I love that! Here's a link to her video on Vevo: )
   Now... where are my Glee freaks? Who watches that show? I do! It's amazing... I love that it's like a normal teen show, but with the greatest thing in the world... MUSIC! I really love that it is addressing a lot of things that us teenagers go through in life (i.e. pregnancies, homosexuality, peer pressure, school, etc.) But I really adore the fact that it has music to go along with everything on the show, and that it gets really awesome, watchable, guest stars, and that they sing too! I can't wait for the second season to start... this April! So close! Make sure to to watch it when it starts airing again, oh and if for all of you amateur thespians or professionals, I guess, there are casting for three new characters on the show... so if you were looking for your big break... you might still have a chance.. but since April is right around the corner, maybe not not... sorry. But, if you don't get into this season and you try out and stuff... you might have a chance of the third season...? Anyways... It's a great show, you beh'uh watch it suckers! 

 Alright, I'll stop harassing, later tater haters!


  1. Hmm! I haven't blogged in a while, but I shall make a comment on this because it mentions a few of my favorite things!

    1) Rilo Kiley FTW

    2) Jenny Lewis is that beautiful red-head of whom I much envy. Rilo Kiley unfortunately is broken up, but Jenny Lewis is still very much in the music career still.

    3) I did end up watching Telephone after your comments about strange. I never thought I'd see Beyonce in a video as such. Oh, and everyone's heard about Lady GaGa!

    4) GAH. No one ever gets it right. This is the back nine of the first season, not the second! They haven't even put up the auditions yet, so don't crush people's hopes! GAH.

    5) Glee FTW

    6) That is all.

  2. 1)haha I love Rilo Kiley as well, and it makes me sad that they are broken up... and yes I know that Jenny Lewis still does stuff... I think she even worked with the person from Keane (another amazing band. :P)

    2)Isn't it strange? I never thought I'd see her like that either... but there it is.

    3)I'm sorry for not getting it right. :P

