Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Life's A Barren Produce Isle

I wish I could blog freely... without thought of my blogs getting too similar to the plot line of some teen show on the CW... because seriously, sometimes, when you right down what happens to you at school, or just in school. It starts getting really creepy... like deja vu. I think if I write down what I think and feel, I might start getting threats from schoolmates and that wouldn't be too great. But then again, no one really reads my blog... because no one knows of it, but who cares. I still get paranoid of someone reading what I say, or someone reading what I would HAVE To say... (Did that make sense?)

Any ways... It's spring break, and I wish I had something to do. Because as of now, there is nothing to do. My life is like a barren produce isle at a super market... it needs some more bright coulored fruits and veggies. The only thing I see is my reflection on the ugly tiled floors... I want to do something fun over this break, something that includes my friends. (and not my parents) I want to have a REAL life.

I need to get out more... (sorry if you didn't understand me... especially that weird produce isle-supermarket metaphor thing :-/)

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