Sunday, February 13, 2011

Snowy Dreams.

The last couple of nights I've been having a reoccurring dream. It's of me and a few of my friends in a cabin, surrounded by a snowy, winter-y scene. It's a beautiful, unrealistic place and I feel so safe and so happy there. Strange things happen in the dreams, good strange things, things that I just never thought would ever happen. But since they're dreams, anything can happen. 

One friend and I, a friend I'm not too close with, become closer and share more things. Mainly because the rest of them are off eating, reading, or something else whenever I dream of this. It's such a strange yet whimsical dream.

You know the feeling you get when you're standing in the wind, the breeze blowing in your face, with no noise around you? I feel like that inside this dream. I wish I could feel this way all the time, the way I feel in my fictional winter wonderland...

If only those things happened in reality.

(I wish I lived there.)

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