Thursday, February 24, 2011

Trippin' & Crashin'.

Today was an interesting day... I think the lack of sleep is finally getting to me. All day today, I was off in another world, tripping more than usual, crashing into more walls than I normally do, saying stupider things than generally come out of my mouth. 

It started last night, I think, I was talking to a friend... and it just spiraled into this awkward-ness that I caused. I didn't know how to get out of there, it was weird. It also helped that I don't have as tight and forward relationship I have with some of my other friends. The worse part... I didn't even remember saying some things... until I went back and looked over our conversation and I was like... 

Also, on television today, I heard that not sleeping enough drives a person psychotic. Hmm.... I don't know how I feel about that, I'm already somewhat mentally unstable, I just need the straight jacket to go with it.

Here's to hoping it's yellow!

Not... your best, Cesar.

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