Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Dance Stuff

   So right at this moment I'm in a little tiny room, where me and my friends hang out during our " Study hall" type of thing. This two guys just came in and said they were going to test out how loud they were. So it's me and them two and them two, and then they start turning it soooo high my heart was like pounding inside my chest. But the music was great. They were playing one of my favorite songs of all time. " I won't Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance" by the Black Kids, it's an amazing song. So yeah...
    Oh, I should probably explain why they were doing this. One of them is Djing the dance today at my school, It's a Halloween dance. Speaking of that, right out side of this closet/room they're making "decorations" for it, ( they are chopped up baby dolls, with red paint on them and barbie doll limbs in they're eyes)
     I was originally going to be nothing, but then my friends suggested I be the night sky ( wear all black and stick glow in the dark stars on me). But now...I am one of the three blind mice..but i haven seen the other one...Wait I can't see lol. So yeah...But at the dance I am going to be the Scaircrow from the "Wizard of Oz"
    You should all be very proud of me because I made it all!! and I made both of them!!!.

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