Saturday, October 24, 2009

Three Quarters Asleep and Dreaming

   So I found out that beta isn't spelled beta, it has two T's, beTTa.
   This morning I dreamt this really weird dream, I think I was at an ice cream shoppe, and there was, like, everyone I knew but for some reason there was someone extra there. Kim Kardashian. I don't know why she was in my dream but she was. So all of us were sitting eating ice cream, and it was winter and snowing ( which it doesn't do where I live) and she was there. She was wearing really different Un-Kim Kardasian clothes, like clothes normal people wear. Well clothes teenage people were, it seemed as if she was 15. Oh and the funny part was that she was wearing braces and in ponytails and she was texting my other friend who was sitting right across her. Weird Dream huh?
     Oh but when we were ordering our second round of ice creams, I heard very loud crying, but no one in my dream was crying, so I guess I woke up and guess who I found. My BROTHER, he was sitting right next to my bed crying, it was 8:40! So then my sister came in half asleep like I was and asked why he was crying and if I was even there...So then I got up and asked why he was crying, but he like said something uncomprehenable, one because he was crying and two because he is five. But then we finally translated his crying language, and he was saying that my parents weren't here. So I was really mad that they didn't even wake us up and tell us that they were going out and leaving him, so I called my parents. I was very exasperated, mad and half asleep, they said they were running errands and that they would get home soon. (I didn't believe them --never ever believe you parents because -- wait I'll get into that in another blog) So I told him to go to his room and turn on the television so I could go back to sleep. He kept saying uncomprehendable words, so I had to guide him to the room, and turn o nthe television for him. Then I went back to my bedroom and my sister went back to hers, then the phone rang:
    " Hello?" I answered, three quaters asleep.
    " Hello? Hey, is your mom there? Can I talk to her?" they asked, not even a little sleepy.
    " No she's not, so no, you can't." I responded, still three quaters asleep.
    " Well, is it okay if I come over to get something?" they asked, (They, was my aunt.)
    " Sure, bye." I said as quick I could and hung up.
    But, by then I wasn't even three and a half quarters asleep, so I went to the living room and turned on the television, with my sister following. So since my aunt lived, like, three minutes away, she got there as soon as I turned the T.V. on, and right before I had turned it on I unlocked the door and left it a bit open. So she came in and went directly to the kitchen. The she asked were my parents had gone, I told her I didn't know, sort not paying attention to her. Then as soon as she had gotten there she left, thank Buddah, Jesus, Allah, Athena, Poseidon, and Zeus. Then I went back to doing boring nothingness, and dazing off while I was watching television.
     Oh, that hasn't been the only weird dream I had, I had another dream like that a couple weeks ago, with celebreties in it as well. So, I was working at Kmart, and so were two of my other friends, and all of the customers were celbrities. Except in my dream they weren't celebreties, they were normal people. So I was helping Johny Depp find lawn chairs one of my friends was sitting at her cash register with her leg ups chewing gum and ignoring everyone, then my other friends was like robotically making sure everything was where it needed to be. So the other celebreties that my mind remembered were Angelina Jolie, she was looking for baby powder, and Miley Cyrus was stealing a lot of the Hannah Montana merchandise. It was a really funny dream.


  1. I remember the last part! Ah Jonny, Ange, Miley, you crack me up. :)

  2. hehe That was an amazing dream! haha

