Saturday, October 24, 2009

Omg You Cyples!

   So guess what? I was at this one website, which I highly recommend but won't say it's name so you have to personally ask me, that one of my favorite books is going to be a movie! The book is called Flipped and it has a really cute baby chich upside on the cover. It was a really cool book about a boy and a girl who are neighbors but the boy hates the girl, the girl doesn't really have anything agains't him. But then --well actually I'm not going to say anything else because not only would I ruin the movie but the book, which is the best part. So I recommend you read the book soon, even though the movie won't be coming out for a little while, but still, you'll really like it. Well, no promises, just read it.

    Okay later Cyples
    Oh by the way, I made up this one word, ^, that means Cyber People, it's pronounced how it sounds. Like the first part of Cyber and the end of People. Oh, and get used to that, I mean me making up words, sooner or later I'll put up a dictionary of all of the words I make up or all of the words I substitute for other words, to mean the original word --anyways I'll explain soon


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