Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Weird Moments, Fine Dining and Fish Heaven.

    So today I had a really weird moment as I was walking home from getting dropped of the bus from school. I won't get into any details...but it was weird....
    So my fish is still alive and breathing...underwater. Which I find unfair, why can fish breath underwater and we can't. Something else that I find unfair is that how can whale and dolphins breath underwater if they're mammals? That is just so unfair...but then again it is sort of fair, because I don't think they can breath on land...Can they?
    Well whatever...
     I have, like, four projects going on at school which make me very confused...The teachers at my school keep whining about having to "Fill up our water glass..." It's some weird, though slightly comprehendable, analogy about high school and college. There is also something else having to do with buffets and and stuff. Well, the thing is that when you're in high school you're in a fine dining restaraunt and when you're in college, you're at a self served buffet. What ever that means...so is the work the food? Because not a lot of people like work, and a lot of people like food...lol.
    None of you (like four people...), have answered my question...What do you think I should name my blue male Beta!?!?!...The poor thing is just swimming around with no name...what if it dies and I don't have a name for it? Then what are we going to put on its fish gravestone.NOTHING. It's going to be swimming around up in fish heaven with no name....Doesn't anyone find that a tiny bit sad...at least a plankton-sized amount of sadness ( I seem to be sticking with the ocean/water/fish theme)...Please have compassion for the poor blue male beta....
    Oh I just got an idea...what if I name it:
     Poor Blue Male Beta?
     No it might be taken already....
     See!?! You need to help me figure out what to name it.

1 comment:

  1. Jacque

    It's got really good names!

