Monday, November 30, 2009



(sorry if I'm offending anybody...)

There is this one movie...Harold and Maude....and it's the most amazing movie that ever existed in movie history...And if you haven't I strongly recomend it, you haven't lived or attempted to kill yourself well enough, until you see this movie...I'ts magical.
I am now and H&Mer...and I am looking for recruits..haha..

But it really is a great movie, and I am not goingto attempt to sum it up because I might mess it up and make it sound stupid....BUT IT'S SOOO GREAT!!!Like REALLY! One of my friends and I are tryingto get our English teacher to have us watch it in our classes. Hopefulyl she will have us watch it..because it's soooo great..I can't wait to watch it again...soon.

Well, Later skater..and if you don't watch'll be "haters" from then on....

Sorry and I'm Crazy.

OMG I'm soooo excited. I GOT AND "A" in my college Astronomy essay thing!!!! I was soooo surprised...I thought I was at least going to get a "B-" or something...but I didn't, I'm kind of still in shock...but I'll stop bragging..even though I'm not trying to....

Oh and sorry for lying to you. I said that I'd , like, post more...and after that post...I didn't haha. But I've had so much homwork...and I like literally don't have any free time. The only free time that I have is talking to my friends on the internet...while I'm doing my homework...good thing I'm good at multi-tasking, my parents think I am crazy because I can do a whole bunch of things at one time...But the parents think I'm crazy all the time. But, anyways...sorry.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I am soooo bored right now...but w/e

So I haven't been posting lately...sorry. But there has been A LOTTTTTT OF very dramatic drama at school and I've been SOOOOO supermassively distracted from doing everything! But these past few days everything has been flowing like the water on the beach...yay!!!! I really can't go into any details over what happened because the drama will start ALLL OVER again..but yeah..

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sending names To Mars

On monday, my Astronomy professor, told that class that there was a new rover that's going to Mars named Curiousity. He then told us that NASA is doing something new, they're letting the public send their names to Mars on that  rover. You guys probably don't understand how that would happen huh? I didn't at first. But then her got on the computer and showed us on the screen. All you have to fill out is your first and last name, your zip code and the country you in. So that will allow your name to go up with the rover in a chip.
     I know there is nothing quite interesting about this, but hey, you can say your name is in Mars. He was also saying that it would make a GREAT gift, I thought it would make a dumb gift, even though I wouldn't mind it. So tough I found it a dumb gift, my sister's B-day was coming up, so I got one for her and printed out a certificate and didn't really know what to make of it, it was kind of funny. I did it too though.
     So all you need to do is go to, I think, the NASA site and yeah or just google it.

Monday, November 2, 2009

SWD or OWD remember about that one dance that I told you i was going sorta sucked...but whatever.
Well today I stayed for drama club, which was, in itself, fun --we did improve. Well, that required me to take the transit bus since that gets out at like 4:30..I have to wait for a 5:13 bus since the one before gets out at 4:20..yeah when I was walking home..I swear I saw someone getting a Bj..BLOWJOB!!! OMG.EWWW.. Like the person the Guy let's call him B, and then the Girl..well I think it was a girl... but anyways...let's call that one J. So I sw J's head on the lap of B..and I am like 100% sure that that was what was happening.. EEW AND B was there a law against that.. like there is a DUI for driving under the influence..does that fall under that too? Or should I declare a new law... like Sex While Driving While Driving- OWD? lol..but it was sick..

I'll post again soon.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Dance Stuff

   So right at this moment I'm in a little tiny room, where me and my friends hang out during our " Study hall" type of thing. This two guys just came in and said they were going to test out how loud they were. So it's me and them two and them two, and then they start turning it soooo high my heart was like pounding inside my chest. But the music was great. They were playing one of my favorite songs of all time. " I won't Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance" by the Black Kids, it's an amazing song. So yeah...
    Oh, I should probably explain why they were doing this. One of them is Djing the dance today at my school, It's a Halloween dance. Speaking of that, right out side of this closet/room they're making "decorations" for it, ( they are chopped up baby dolls, with red paint on them and barbie doll limbs in they're eyes)
     I was originally going to be nothing, but then my friends suggested I be the night sky ( wear all black and stick glow in the dark stars on me). But now...I am one of the three blind mice..but i haven seen the other one...Wait I can't see lol. So yeah...But at the dance I am going to be the Scaircrow from the "Wizard of Oz"
    You should all be very proud of me because I made it all!! and I made both of them!!!.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Weird Moments, Fine Dining and Fish Heaven.

    So today I had a really weird moment as I was walking home from getting dropped of the bus from school. I won't get into any details...but it was weird....
    So my fish is still alive and breathing...underwater. Which I find unfair, why can fish breath underwater and we can't. Something else that I find unfair is that how can whale and dolphins breath underwater if they're mammals? That is just so unfair...but then again it is sort of fair, because I don't think they can breath on land...Can they?
    Well whatever...
     I have, like, four projects going on at school which make me very confused...The teachers at my school keep whining about having to "Fill up our water glass..." It's some weird, though slightly comprehendable, analogy about high school and college. There is also something else having to do with buffets and and stuff. Well, the thing is that when you're in high school you're in a fine dining restaraunt and when you're in college, you're at a self served buffet. What ever that is the work the food? Because not a lot of people like work, and a lot of people like
    None of you (like four people...), have answered my question...What do you think I should name my blue male Beta!?!?!...The poor thing is just swimming around with no name...what if it dies and I don't have a name for it? Then what are we going to put on its fish gravestone.NOTHING. It's going to be swimming around up in fish heaven with no name....Doesn't anyone find that a tiny bit least a plankton-sized amount of sadness ( I seem to be sticking with the ocean/water/fish theme)...Please have compassion for the poor blue male beta....
    Oh I just got an idea...what if I name it:
     Poor Blue Male Beta?
     No it might be taken already....
     See!?! You need to help me figure out what to name it.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Omg You Cyples!

   So guess what? I was at this one website, which I highly recommend but won't say it's name so you have to personally ask me, that one of my favorite books is going to be a movie! The book is called Flipped and it has a really cute baby chich upside on the cover. It was a really cool book about a boy and a girl who are neighbors but the boy hates the girl, the girl doesn't really have anything agains't him. But then --well actually I'm not going to say anything else because not only would I ruin the movie but the book, which is the best part. So I recommend you read the book soon, even though the movie won't be coming out for a little while, but still, you'll really like it. Well, no promises, just read it.

    Okay later Cyples
    Oh by the way, I made up this one word, ^, that means Cyber People, it's pronounced how it sounds. Like the first part of Cyber and the end of People. Oh, and get used to that, I mean me making up words, sooner or later I'll put up a dictionary of all of the words I make up or all of the words I substitute for other words, to mean the original word --anyways I'll explain soon


My Devoted Followers:

   Omg I have followers...they're people I already know, but still I HAVE FOLLOWERS!!! lol
    To all my followers:
   Thank you for believing in me and that I could start a blog. Also to my dear friend, whom I won't name, for having me start a blog. Also, thank you for my school for having laptops on which I could start my first blog, and thank you to my parents for believing that I could use a computer and buying me one for Christmas, and I can blog from home. Thank you again to my parents and my genes for giving me apposable thumbs and all of the normal amount of finger with which I can type up a blog. Also, thank you to blogger, and to the people who invented it and founded it. And to the Academy. to Britney and Jamie Lynn Spears,Paris Hilton, The Jonas Brothers, Those Crack-Smoking models, John and Kate G., and to K.Fed., and Miley Cyrus for being great, responsible, smart role models.
    Thank you to all of you,

Stupid Yes or No Answer Machine...

OMG that stupid yes or no answer button got me mad. I asked it a question and it answered it I did it again and it was the same. Then I got into a full on arguement with was quite mean to me actually I even called it the B-word, and it answered NO WAY. Serioulsy, can it read you mind? Because it answered as if it had heard what I was saying. I'm mad at it. But I think it sorta works becuase yesterday I asked it something, and it answered it correctly...well when I say wrong and correct I mean it said the answers that I wanted to yeah.

Three Quarters Asleep and Dreaming

   So I found out that beta isn't spelled beta, it has two T's, beTTa.
   This morning I dreamt this really weird dream, I think I was at an ice cream shoppe, and there was, like, everyone I knew but for some reason there was someone extra there. Kim Kardashian. I don't know why she was in my dream but she was. So all of us were sitting eating ice cream, and it was winter and snowing ( which it doesn't do where I live) and she was there. She was wearing really different Un-Kim Kardasian clothes, like clothes normal people wear. Well clothes teenage people were, it seemed as if she was 15. Oh and the funny part was that she was wearing braces and in ponytails and she was texting my other friend who was sitting right across her. Weird Dream huh?
     Oh but when we were ordering our second round of ice creams, I heard very loud crying, but no one in my dream was crying, so I guess I woke up and guess who I found. My BROTHER, he was sitting right next to my bed crying, it was 8:40! So then my sister came in half asleep like I was and asked why he was crying and if I was even there...So then I got up and asked why he was crying, but he like said something uncomprehenable, one because he was crying and two because he is five. But then we finally translated his crying language, and he was saying that my parents weren't here. So I was really mad that they didn't even wake us up and tell us that they were going out and leaving him, so I called my parents. I was very exasperated, mad and half asleep, they said they were running errands and that they would get home soon. (I didn't believe them --never ever believe you parents because -- wait I'll get into that in another blog) So I told him to go to his room and turn on the television so I could go back to sleep. He kept saying uncomprehendable words, so I had to guide him to the room, and turn o nthe television for him. Then I went back to my bedroom and my sister went back to hers, then the phone rang:
    " Hello?" I answered, three quaters asleep.
    " Hello? Hey, is your mom there? Can I talk to her?" they asked, not even a little sleepy.
    " No she's not, so no, you can't." I responded, still three quaters asleep.
    " Well, is it okay if I come over to get something?" they asked, (They, was my aunt.)
    " Sure, bye." I said as quick I could and hung up.
    But, by then I wasn't even three and a half quarters asleep, so I went to the living room and turned on the television, with my sister following. So since my aunt lived, like, three minutes away, she got there as soon as I turned the T.V. on, and right before I had turned it on I unlocked the door and left it a bit open. So she came in and went directly to the kitchen. The she asked were my parents had gone, I told her I didn't know, sort not paying attention to her. Then as soon as she had gotten there she left, thank Buddah, Jesus, Allah, Athena, Poseidon, and Zeus. Then I went back to doing boring nothingness, and dazing off while I was watching television.
     Oh, that hasn't been the only weird dream I had, I had another dream like that a couple weeks ago, with celebreties in it as well. So, I was working at Kmart, and so were two of my other friends, and all of the customers were celbrities. Except in my dream they weren't celebreties, they were normal people. So I was helping Johny Depp find lawn chairs one of my friends was sitting at her cash register with her leg ups chewing gum and ignoring everyone, then my other friends was like robotically making sure everything was where it needed to be. So the other celebreties that my mind remembered were Angelina Jolie, she was looking for baby powder, and Miley Cyrus was stealing a lot of the Hannah Montana merchandise. It was a really funny dream.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Adventures with a Beta

   So today My friend gave me a beta fish as a birthday gift, and I had to ride the bus. So she sort of gave it to me at lunch, it had been in her locker all that day. So all of my friends, our English teacher and I went over to her locker, and she finally showed it to me. My birthday had been the sixth of this month and today is the 23rd so I had been guessing about what it was all that time and she wouldn't tell me. So we saw the fish and it was amazing, she thought I was going to be disapointed- but I wasn't. So we shut it back in her locker and left, which I sort of felt bad about doing...
   So later after my last class, English, I went over to get the fish from her locker, she had given me the key. So there I was walking to he bus area, which is full of annoying high schoolers and pot smoking college students, walking with a fish in a heavy bowl with a bag full of fishy essentials. Everyone came rushing towards me, well to the fish, and they were all asking a whole bung of questions and making weird faces and hand gestures, but I was like whatever. So then my friends came over and two of them, including the one who gave me the gift, and we were trying to put a plastic bag over it so it wouldn't splash and into a paper bag so know one will know what it was, especially the bus driver.
   So after we accomplished putting it in a bag and stuff, we had to get on the bus. Thankfully the bus driver didn't ask what was in the bag, my friend was the one carrying it on. Then she gave it to me so I can carry it while the bus was moving...which was so nervewrecking...becuase I'd be checking if it was okay every second. It was a hilarious little adventure.
    Later I had to walk home with it, which means walking up a very steap hill. So right before that, as I was getting off the bus my friends is all like:
    " Here take your fish."
   Because I had her hold it as I stood up too get out, and eveyrone was like
     " What there's a fish in here"
    "No there's not" was my reply
  So I walked with one of my friends, while the fish bowl was splish splashing around in my hands. It was a horrible walk, It was heavy, my backpacks was heavy, it was hot, and i was wearinga jacket. So I had to stop like four times on the way home to rearrange my backpack and take my jacket off, and yeah...I finally made it home and the fish and I both made it alive!!!

Write you later Cyber people!!

First POST

Hullo everyone out there in cyberspace! This is my first time blogging, I don't really know how to feel about it, I guess fine. My friend, who's crazy, told me I should sign up for one and make a journal-thingy, so I am.
So now we're arguing about one of my other friends and something that has to do with her. So my friend had this one idea that I should write about something to do with my other friend, but i'm not.
Oh and if you're wondering why I'm not using names, it's cause I don't think they'll let me use them. So i've decided that I am going to give everyone names from Disney movies. So now I have to figure out aliases for all of my friends other people I think I'm going to talk about here. Right now we're discussing Disney Princesses and other Disney characters....we don't remember much of them which is kind of sad...because we're not that old to forget all of the cartoon characters we used to watch.

So Until next time Cyperspace people. I'll keep brainstorming names for them and stuff to talk about, which there is a lot of. so LATER
